On the nightstand

I was recommended this book by another nurse who knew I accidentally enjoyed The Hunger Games. It is a fantasy adventure  following a sixteen year old boy name Jacob as his tries to discover the legacy of his grandfather's stories about a mysterious island with an orphanage for peculiar children.  There are times when the situations were more creepy than peculiar. Unique and imaginative with very original characters, yet I still did not feel compelled to stay up late to see what happens next.  It is also not intended for a  Kindle or Nook. There are photographs and letters that help create the atmosphere that was lost on my nook.

I catch myself acting like I know everything about child development and emotional/behavior needs. When did I become an expert on the troubled child? Well, after reading Dr. Purvis' The Connected Child. 

FAVORITE! Quite embarrassing confession: I did not even know about this President. I will now drive down Garfield St in Midland, TX with new passion and intensity. Candice Millard is excellent at historical biographies because she does immense research to create the scene and truly help the reader understand the events and atmosphere of the time.  I also loved the medical history laced in the story and the resulting impact it played in this man's life. Read it so we can talk about how awesome it is and pretend that we are Garfield experts.