Spring Break 2011

My trip to Midland over Spring Break was fabulous:
To start I got to hang out with my cousin, Emma, all weekend. I still remember when Aunt Carla sat on our couch and told us she was preggers! I planned out a future for me and this new cousin. In my head I would be her best friend, taking her to soccer games, painting each other's nail, etc.
As a 12 year old, the idea of me married, having a job, living in another city did not occur to me. I feel like I never get quality time with her.
Emma is now in 8th grade! Where did all our hang out time go?! She is an amazingly posed, funny, and VERY TALENTED teenager! Works her butt off at the barn..... doing jumpy horse things that have real names that I do not know.
I posted her video for all to watch~ which I know she will be upset with me for doing that but I am Impressed and Proud. Seriously, in 8th grade I was excited to make a silly free throw and this chica is making horses do just whatever she wants them to! THE POWER!

Mom and I got much needed girl talk time. I love that I am at an age that I truly love and respect my mom and desire her input. Good grief~ it would have made being a teenager easier if we could conclude these principals earlier in life.

Houston is a city of food. So many amazing chefs and choices. But there is something about the food you grow up on that will simply always be the best! I filled my little tummy to the brim with Shogun's, Murry's, Pizzeria Venti. Plus, we all know that my mom is a little baker so I had to eat up a gooey yummy chocolate cake. And it would have been rude for me not to finish the whole thing before I left! I return to my hubs as a curvier woman. ;)

I did miss my ole Hubs though. Venezuela did not feel right. I had a pit in my stomach about it and I am not usually like that. Jon and I are frequently separated by mileage and while it does make me sad, I have learned how to cope. But this time, something in my gut was unsettled about this trip and when it got canceled the relief was overwhelming. I realize that yes, he will have to go at some point but the timing or something was simply off for right now.

One last day of Spring Break and what am I going to do?
Sleep! (well at least in between the loads of laundry)

The Happy, Depressing, Celebrate, Sob Day

Yeah say what?! And that is exactly how my mind felt all day-- I was on feelings overload (thanks for that birth control :) )
I have adapted over the last year to limit my emotional response... It was becoming too much with the lay offs at Cessna, Jon moving to Houston, Getting kick out of Weddings, getting rejected from every job on the planet, etc. I learned to kinda not really "feel" the change or the news, but just roll with it.
Here is a summary of events. Originally Jon was leaving Friday but his Visa never came in so his flight out changed to Monday. He was all packed to leave for India but he needed to spend a couple hours at the office wrapping things up before I came to pick him up and take him to the airport. While he was at work, I did my usual morning routine of job prowling. I checked the status of some apps to see once again Rejected; that the Hospitals are only taking RN's with experience and I have to wait till January for the next GN internship. BOOOO! So I am all mopey-- Jon's gonna be gone for a month and I'm not going to have anything to do. Plus the looming thought that I will never be employed. These ideas were completely depressing.
I pick him up and we go eat his last Mexican food for awhile and I am trying to be all supportive with my cheesy "This is going to be great for your career" word vomit. We get in the car to go to the airport and I have a voicemail. Enter the emotion overload:
I got a job offer! WHAM!
Basically the result was just a mess. I was doing this laugh, cry, snort thing and I literally ended up over a trash can dry heaving because I could not catch my breath. And that just made me laugh harder and then cry harder. Really a sick cycle!
I am sad that Jon will not be here on my first day as a School Nurse (which I will post more about later) but I am soooo thankful his Visa got jacked up and he got to be with me when I found out about it!
I did learn a small lesson... I few small cries here and there are a lot easier for the men to respond to than the heck of show I gave him! I ended the day catching up on So You Think You Can Dance and pretending to be a contemporary dancer to celebrate.

Hostess with no mostess

This is how I know I am now an adult. I am hosting my first baby shower. My friend, Jess, and I are bravely tackling the challenges of throwing a shower for our friend. Biggest challenge I am struggling with: I have only been to two baby showers tops and everyone who knows me will tell you my creativity bug is the size of an ant.
Thankfully, there are people who spend way to much time thinking about this kind of thing. Let me introduce you to my new best friends that I have been spending way to much time with.
Hostess With The Mostess--- They have free printable templates that I used to decorate the table. I will post pictures after Saturday
Martha Stewart Shower Ideas---- I am so desperate I am even seeking out ole Martha for help, and of course, her crafts are out of my league. I need things that I can color by number.

I don't want to disclose too much information because I can't wait for my mind blowing blog with pictures from this crazy party.
Melissa Eubanks is the cutest baby mama ever and I want this shower to kick some tail!